Sunday, February 14, 2021

Legalizing Marijana

 Legalizing Marijuana Policy Speech

What do all recent public shootings and terrorist acts have in common? Perpetrators were all frequent users of cannabisStudies have shown that frequent use of marijuana changes the brain in such a way that will induce delusions, hallucinations, and other violent behavior. James Holmes, responsible for the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting was reported from a neighbor of his frequent smoking of marijuana in his backyard. Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s wife had reported his personality change and violent behavior towards her before he planned the Boston Marathon Bombings. Reports have also shown that Osama Bin Ladin was a frequent user of marijuana growing high strength plants within his compound in Pakistan. His psychosis was exacerbated with his use resulting in adverse views and extreme paranoia illustrated in written letters towards the US government resulting in his terrorist attacks. If these individuals had not smoked marijuana it may be plausible to say that thousands of lives would have been spared.

Studies have shown that not only does using marijuana result in increased anxiety and suspicion of others, but perpetual use may result in long-term symptoms. They are also susceptible to act in violence because fear is associated with loss of control and panicResearch has shown that cannabis may cause symptoms of depersonalization and paranoid ideas which lead the brain to jump to conclusions and are subject to believing conspiracy theoriesMinors are especially vulnerable to deficiency because their brains have not fully developed. Additionally,those who have mental illness such as bipolar disorder are not only more likely to be users, but itexacerbates their symptoms. (Miller & Oberbarnscheidt, 2017).

In 1996, California was the first state in the union to pass Proposition 215 which allowed for the medical use of marijuana. Since then 33 more states along with other countries around the world have adopted similar laws (NCSL)Furthermore, organizations such as the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) want to legalize marijuana believing that it will decrease the rate of incarceration, promote job employment, and help minority citizens (Marijuana legalization). However, ever since 2012 laws have implemented the legalization of marijuana it has had the opposite effect. Employers are seeking others outside of the state to hire because marijuana users are more likely to be injured on the job. Also, minorities in neighborhoods where marijuana dispensaries have been built have had an increase in arrests among minors. Marijuana is effecting families in Colorado and if legalized in other areas in the United States, may only perpetuate problems such as traffic fatalities, crime, homelessness, and opioid use. Since the marijuana laws have been implemented, traffic fatalities have increased 66%. Crime in Colorado has increased 11% and there has been at 13% increase in Colorado’s homeless population compared to 3% of the rest of the country (Sabet, K., 2018).

I have lived in Colorado most of my life. My mother chose to live in a middle-class suburban area by the Latter-Day Saint Temple because it was deemed safe. However, ever since the marijuana laws have been enacted, there has been an increase of crime in our neighborhood. While news of break-ins were rare when I was in high school 13 years ago, crime has been increasing. Not only have my parent’s car been broken into twice, but my next-door neighbor’s car was stolen out of her driveway while she was putting away her groceries. I have also noticed an increase homeless population in my neighborhood as the majority of shoppers at my local grocery store at night seem to be a safe haven. As I have noticed this noticeable difference in the world around me in Colorado, I agree with the accompanying statistics in research which refer the legalization of marijuana as theperpetrator. 

Rather than stand with the DOR who ignore the facts and effects of marijuana use, the government should join sides with organizations that oppose legalization such as The Heritage Foundation who bear credible research to expose the myths associated with marijuana use, such as it would decrease the use of opoids (The Heritage Foundation, 2019). With the implementation of the legalization of marijuana, the DOR believes it will decrease the amount of incarcerations and increase jobs for individuals. However, these allegations ignore the long-term effects of marijuana use which has the opposite effect by increasing criminality and overall violence among minors and into adulthood while inhibiting their ability to perform on the job.They believe that marijuana should be legalized because it does not affect all individuals negatively (Marijuana legalization). If we focus on individual effects of marijuana, we ignore the detrimental effects marijuana has on the majority of society. We will then succumb to our own delusion running away in fear from the facts we will be living in reality. 











The Heritage Foundation. (2019). Tell your children: The truth about marijuana, mental illness, and violence. Retrieved from

Marijuana legalization and regulation. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Miller, N.S. & Oberbarnscheidt. (2017). Marijuana violence and law. Journal of Addiction Research & Recovery. Retrieved from

NCSL National Conference of State Legislatures. (2019). State medical marijuana laws. Retrieved from

Sabet, Kevin. (2018). Marijuana and legalization impacts. Symposium: Criminal Justice at a Crossroads. Retrieved from

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