Monday, February 4, 2019

Week 5
 Lesson 4: Flooding the Earth Through Social Media
The Primary Purpose of Social Media
February 4, 2019
1. What do you think is the greatest technological advancement in history? The plow? The printing press? The personal computer? Is it the Internet? I believe that the greatest technological advancement in history is the internet because people from around the world are able to access a wealth of information and communicate with one another in an instant. This has sped up the process in getting things done without having to get up and move.
2. Why have we witnessed such acceleration in technology in these last days, and why do you think the Lord might be behind it? We have witnessed such acceleration in technology in these last days because we are prospering as a society. There has not been any major wars, neither has there been famine, disease, etc. The Lord may be behind this because his goal is to allow each of his spirit sons and daughters to participate in his plan and receive eternal life. It was also prophesied that the Lord would hasten his work in these last days.
3. What might your day-to-day behavior with technology tell others about how you really feel about the purpose and blessing of technology? My day-to-day behavior with technology tells others about how I really feel about the purpose and blessing of technology in whether or not I use it for my benefit. When I use technology to increase in learning and serve in the Lord’s kingdom, I am making the most out of what God has provided. If I idle away my time, I show lack knowledge and overall appreciation of my chance for growth and progression.
“Use technology to further the work of the Lord” Ballard, R.M.
To Sweep the Earth as with a Flood by Elder David A. Bednar
Elder Bednar in his address defined this last dispensation as a time where not only do we have all the keys to the Priesthood and ordinances to receive eternal life, but the technology to help all others to receive it as well. It was prophesied that the Lord would hasten his work and we are to act as his hands in accomplishing the purpose of bringing the gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. The church and its members have used social media and technology such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, movies, and LDS church videos to share gospel related content. Six guidelines to help us be more effective in sharing the gospel online include: to be authentic and consistent, edify and uplift, respect intellectual property, and be wise and vigilant. As we are consistent in posting truthful messages about ourselves, we would not want to post anything that we would later regret. As we consistently participate in quenching the earth with gospel light, we will flood the earth with delight.
·         Even though the focus of Elder Bednar's talk is focused on sharing the gospel, how is doing family advocacy using the internet is, in effect, sharing the gospel?
Anything that is pro-family is pro-Christ. Therefore, if advocating for the family is pro-family, we are advocating for Christ and what he taught.
·         What has been your primary purpose for using technology, social media, and the Internet? Has it been to uplift and edify, or to isolate and idle?
My primary purpose for using technology, social media, and the internet has been to help me learn and accomplish what I need to for school. I also use it to share the gospel as I keep in touch will old friends or people I meet. Throughout my use of social media, I have consistently posted gospel related messages and invitations for others to see. By doing this, I believe that I have sought to edify others and avoided isolation and idling away my time.
·         How could you improve in your stewardship over these technological blessings the Lord has given us?
I could improve in my stewardship over these technological blessings the Lord has given us by seeking out and taking advantage of these technologies to spread the gospel. Although school has taken up much of my time, I might benefit others by sacrificing some of my time to post uplifting and edifying messages.
3. Sharing Your Beliefs video
We can find opportunities to take pictures and add quotes to them that remind us of all the Lord has blessed us with to strengthen others’ testimonies. Uchdorf said, “preach the gospel at all times and if necessary use words.”
4. Design for the Ripple Effect: How Small Acts Leads to Big Change video by Jennifer Aaker, Ph.D.
Jennifer Aaker, Ph.D., social psychologist, business professor at Stanford University, and author of The Dragonfly Effect studied how to effectively use online social media to advance a particular cause. In her example, she shared a story of two friends Sameer and Vinay, both South Asians, diagnosed with Leukemia. Knowing that finding a bone marrow donor match was 1 in 20,000, they used “The Dragonfly Model” which included various ways to reach to people in various contexts such social media, traditional media, education, and registration. The lessons they learned were: 1. develop a clear goal: there is elegance in simplicity; 2. Act, then think, (reverse the rules) maintain a deep bias for action. Resist the temptation to have a master plan before taking the first step; 3. Tell a good (truthful) story: tell stories to connect with human emotion. Develop the right voice, and strike a bond; 4. Design an architecture for collaboration: enable others to contribute- allow the army to self-enroll, and let soldiers to choose their own weapons; and 5. Focus on empowerment marketing: empower people to market your organization and its cause. Although they had success in finding a match and operation, they both passed away. However, they left a legacy of saving 250 lives for which their event found 80 matches. As this experience influenced a movement we also learn that: 1. most revolutions are sparked by the actions of a few ordinary people, 2. Your biggest asset is a clear mind and a very large idea, 3. Find the ignition point of a chain reaction, and go ignite it. Overall those who participated in this movement felt happiness. We might then question the nature of our own happiness by asking: 1. Are we commoditizing happiness (if we do a, b, and c- we will be happy), 2. How are we measuring success? (where are you spending your time), 3. What are we teaching our kids? (Is ‘I just want my child to be happy’ a lurking goal), 4. How might we redefine work? (so that it becomes meaningful, purposeful, interesting), 5. How might we rethink happiness? (the goal is not to find happiness, but perhaps to create an environment that would enable happiness).
“And we can move on now. Doing it all with more grace and more balance and more joy than others have done before us.” ~Arianna Huffington

What connections did you see between Jennifer Aaker’s video and Elder Bednar’s talk? 
Connections that I saw between Jennifer Aaker’s video and Elder Bednar’s talk was that they both recognized the advantage technology may have to reach a vast audience in order to make a difference. In Aker’s example, social media enabled her to reach 20,000 South Asians in order to find the donor. Bednar’s initiative is similar in the way that he is asking all members of Christ’s church to spread His message of hope. In this manner, we may be confident that as we participate in this initiative, we will be able to make a difference and accomplish the goal of spreading forth the Lord’s kingdom to all corners of the earth.

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