Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Consequences of Redefining Marriage

In Chapter 2 of Ryan T. Anderson’s book Truth Overruled, he talks about the consequences of redefining marriage to same-sex couples. This, he explains, may give reason to further redefine marriage as a consent-based institution in which more that multiple person marriages may also have all the rights entailed in society. He compares this complacency of marriage union law being emotionally based to the no-fault divorce law, predicting the consequences as similar taking a toll on children and society. “The biggest problem we face in America at present are fatherless children,” President Obama along with many policy makers and scholars concluded. Changing the definition of marriage will only increase this trend causing more government involvement. Changing the definition of marriage also will deny children’s right to life in general. Negating the needs of children and focus on emotional needs of adults. Religious freedom is losing because discriminatory laws are now forcing businesses to serve same-sex couples against their will.

President Obama's address concerning children without fathers account for most violent behavior, drug abuse, etc. in today's society.

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