Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Myth buster...
Smoking cigarettes will not help you lose weight. Yes, smoking is an addiction and like any addiction will occupy your time, but it will not help you lose weight and if it has, then you are fooling yourself. Why? Because you can become addicted to anything, NORMAL. You do not have to sacrifice your health to a "supplement". Here's the solution. I believe that addiction is normal to some extent. I believe Heavenly Father put these strong feelings in us to enjoy life. But like any matter, Satan can distort that virtue. That is the only way we get good at something because we create endorphins in our successes. So instead of smoking, find something else to occupy your time and have it become an addiction. Especially Family History! It becomes an addiction, you just want to find more! Yes, we all need to "relax" sometimes, but trust me, sooner or later you will find that there are different (LASTING) joys to experience in life that you have never experienced before and you will not want to sell yourself short. Think long-term.

My addictions: reading the Book of Mormon, running, Family History, yoga, art....

Scary thoughts: Are you experiencing more trials in life related to feeling down about life or are you experiencing more trials pertaining to your growth such as learning a new language, christlike attribute, or instrument?

Play the game of Would You Rather with yourself. You'll find that you are sabotaging your life than you thought. Ex. Would you rather have a cigarette and be late for work or go to work on time and get a raise. If we think about the long-term and weigh the consequences of our decisions, I think we'll find that we'd rather choose the better way.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Do Things You Have Never Done Before

Do things you have never done before to experience thoughts and feelings about yourself and others and life that you had not before.

Also, be the first person to make someone's day. You might have been the first person to ever give them a compliment, take them out to lunch, or made a difference in their life in some sort of way. Maybe you were the first person to talk to them all week.


Prayer has the capacity to touch millions of lives I believe it can be felt across the world. Don't underestimate your power when relying one the Lord's strength rather than the arm of flesh. In the bible, the people of Moses were complaining a lot. We complain a lot these days because we live in a world that is corroded will all manner of pollutions. We are a complaining people. Depression, anxiety, etc. is increasing. I really feel like if we all prayed that this world would be a better place, we would be amazed at how quickly this world would change. I really think people have an "emotion meter." There are so many things that may happen in a person life to make them depressed or angry. For example. After a loved one dies, or they are abused, they might become depressed. Then if let's say their room mate fails to clean the bathroom that might make them angry. Then someone cuts ahead of them at the grocery store. All in all, their head is down at the end of the day because no one fails to look at them or smile at them or say a kind compliment the whole day. Then they come home and their in a terrible mood. Now, lets compare that with a person that had all of these things happen to them, but one person in their day smiled at them or did a kind deed. That increases their happy monitor. I wonder if this would also decrease the likeliness of them treating their wife bad when they come home at night, or abusing someone, or some otherwise evil act. I think if, instead, we plan to "make someone's day" by showing them whose boss, we might show an act of kindness to truly make their day.